
The Power Of Love

follower @ LPPFusion

Published on Mar 6

Dear Fusion Fans

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace" - Jimmy Hendrix

It takes conviction, knowledge and love to do what we do. We believe that common basic needs such as housing, healthcare, energy, infrastructure, and education that humans have world wide, will be easily resolved with cheap, safe and clean energy. But currently "the powers that be" are drunk on profits they've gained since the world's dependence on cheap, but toxic, oil and gas became a lifeblood of modern civilization's economy. While political polarization is taking an ever bigger lime light in the media everywhere, offering no real solutions, just apocalyptic promises of doom, the real forces of liberation from the oil and gas stranglehold are working around the clock, including in our small NJ lab, offering the world an epic win for humanity with an advanced economy and a clean environment.

Your support fuels the hope, the vision and the clean, peaceful future that humanity could have with fusion energy. We thank you for getting us so far in the research and we count on you to fan our cause, inspire and teach others about fusion, especially pB11 fusion that will totally change the paradigm the world is suffering from now. Humanity wins every time when we unite around our common causes, when our goals are in clear focus and when the power of love for social progress and civility is applied through science.

Invest now.